Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Healthy Greener Options for Sustainability

Covid19 has given us all time to reflect on our lives and how we can improve them.

Why should we consider becoming healither or greener at all?

The answer to that question is really simple.  We (I'm referring to the human race) have destroyed so much of our natural world through our greed. We haven't stopped in our rush to own everything. Conglomorates, commerce leaders, world banks, certain world leaders and individuals, you and me, have trampled down anything and everything in the pursuit of power, wealth and greed and possessions. But there will be a price to pay. There already has. Covid19 is just one example, and look at the devastation that has brought in it's wake..

What are the main culprits that affect the upset to our ecology? South Aral Sea shrinking
The Aral Sea in 2000 on the left and 2014 on the right. Photograph: Atlas Photo Archive/NASA W

Intensive farming, destruction of the Rain Forest, water pollution to make way for thousands upon thousands of cattle. Our love of buying cheap clothing every season, has caused a sea to almost disapper because of intensive cotton farming, cotton is a very thirsty plant, and the sheer numbers of plants that have been grown to appease our desire for clothing has left communities destroyed.  The Aral Sea basin in Central Asia has completely dried up and the exposure of the dried basin has released salts and pestisides have been blown into the communities poisoning farmland and people with carcinogenics. Do communites deserve to lose their lives and livlihoods because of our greed?
I could go on and on. But what it boils down to is our individual actions, matter. how far we will go in pursuit of 'having everthing'at the expense of destroying everything.  Do we ever consider the environmental impact, our carbon foot print has, on the things we buy or consume?

We have been offered meat and other foods at the cheapest prices, irrespective of the fact that cattle rearing uses the largest carbon footprint of any farming method, and feeds the fewest people. Clearing mountains of waste produced by these emormous ranches and farms poison  local communities as toxins seep in to soil and water systems. And then to top it all is the need for acres of arable farming required to produce animal feed. The world has lost so many species that help to balance nature because of production of soya crops for cattle feed. We've lost varieties of plants and wildlife that helps to keep equlibrium of nature in check.

Will we continue, once Covid19 is over to consume in the same way we've done in the past? Or will we look to making changes, even if those changes may be slightly more expensive, but have a greater healing impact for our world at large?

Strides are being made in production of items from greener sources that will benefit all of us. Making positive changes oursleves can help us to combat the destruction that lies in wait for our future generarions.

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